domingo, 31 de diciembre de 2017


As any year around this time, it is common to reflect upon all we have left behind the previous 364 days. In my case, I just can say that 2017 has been the year of real learning, not only professional but more importantly, personal. 

Furthermore, the beginning of a new year also brings new expectations, or as they are widely known, 'New Resolutions'. Mine is simple, but tough as well: I want to pen several posts about socio-cultural and linguistic Anglo-Saxon topics every month so that, at the end of the year, I had not just written a myriad of posts, but also you and I had had the chance to learn together.

 Esther Williams

My conclusion, then? Well, this year I have learnt that, in order to go ahead with one's life, ATTITUDE is farther relevant for progress to be carried out. That is why I would like to finish this post with a picture, in Spanish by the way, but that summarises my present life philosophy:

HAPPY 2018!